Why are we here? – fulfilling our destiny

We weren’t born to exhaust ourselves making money for ourselves or other people, nor were we born to be occupied in a dog eat dog job.  We were not born to be appallingly unhappy and unfulfilled, counting the days until we retired.  And we weren’t born to be continually compared with other people and found to be wanting.
Our current system of organising our schools, universities and work is seriously flawed, we are only judged [and paid] by the people who control us, and yet 9 times out of ten these people are not our ‘customers’.  Why allow yourself to be judged by those you are not here to help?  A teacher may be assessed by a school inspector, but her pupils are the customer.  A doctor may be assessed by an administrator, but his customers are his patients.  But what if there was another way of organising our life with a focus on the ‘customer’?

Why are we here?

We are here to fulfil our destiny, which consists of discovering our ‘customers’ and helping them and serving them according to the skills we have been given.  So we need to ask, ‘who are we here to serve’? and ‘what do they need from us?’  But we do this in the context of the ‘Great Work’ – the evolutionary plan for not only our planet, but the entire universe. 
We may never know the part we played in the Great Work until the very end of our lives, when all the pieces in the jigsaw suddenly fit together.  And we will never know the plan, because if we knew it we might be tempted to interfere.  But we can do our level best to work with it and not against it.
Overall therefore, to be effective we need to know who, in the great team that is humanity and all the planet’s creatures, we are assisting.

Only those you are here to help, can judge you

Every one of us is different.  There will always be someone ‘better’ at some things than you.  Why compare yourself to others?  Why allow yourself to be compared?  No one can be unhappy, if they make the best use of the skills they have been given to serve others.  No one can feel inferior, if they receive thanks from those they have helped.   Those who are happy spend every hour of every day doing what they were born to do. 
So how to help?

Know yourself

How do you find out who your customer is and the help needed? 
The principle indicator is your Personality, in symbolic thought the Mask you wear for this life. Who you are tells you what you might be good at and who you are best helping.
On the website we have provided some help at finding out what your current Personality is in the section ’Know yourself’ .

What would you like to be? [giving it your best shot]

Now let us suppose you know yourself and your strengths and weaknesses.  Some types of jobs might appeal to you to help the customers you think you have identified.  On the following pages for each type of ‘job’, we have analysed the data on the website to find out what the very best of the people doing those jobs did, to get the inspiration, guidance, and wisdom they needed to be the best in their class.  And perhaps they also got a reward for a job well done – a moment of bliss or divine love.
Press the link and you will be taken to a page which shows which activities produced the most observations – positive experiences like inspiration.  The number shows you how many observations there were for that activity.  You can then press whatever activity you like in the list to see what to do and how it works, or you can press the classification of jobs to find the people we have included

Artist and sculptor

Business and political leaders

Explorer or adventurer




Indigenous people


Musician or composer







Ill or disabled

What if you became or were born disabled in some way or ill?  Well, we have a page for you too, follow this link and you will see what types of activity have been the most successful at generating inspiration and wisdom.  In other words, even those too ill to do anything in the list above can still use the flashes of wisdom they do receive to serve their customers.

Ordinary person

What if none of these seem to match?  Well we also have a section for people who led fairly ordinary lives, being housewives and mothers, for example, or ordinary workers, but who still had their moment on the stage of life.

Those who serve God

Finally we have also taken the observations from shamans, particularly gifted spiritual people, mystics and mystic groups of people following a specific type of system, to see what they did to serve their customer – who ostensibly is God, in order to receive the revelations often associated with mystic groups of this kind

Mystic groups and systems


Other spiritually gifted people



Please note the lists are dynamically created in a new window and as such may take a while to load and will change over time as more observations are added to the site.

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